Posted by Steve
Saturday, October 15, 2022 11:33 AM
Ethereal Being Quaver initiates fights and supports allies with control and manipulation of time.
Class: Initiator
Signature Ability: Clockwork
Charges: 2 - Cost: One for free, 150 cr.
Equip an Hourglass. Fire to throw. When touching a surface, the hourglass pops and creates a field of slow motion. Enemies caught inside or walking into it walk, use utility, fire and reload in slow motion. Debuff is immediatly cancelled when the field is left.
Q Ability: Seconds
Charges: 1 - Cost: 250 cr
Pull out a pocket watch and press fire stop the time. The player is now able to recall to the position he used the ability anytime within the next 7 seconds. Health, cooldowns and charges will not be reset. If the player dies during the use he stays dead and the charge is lost.
C Ability: Timebomb
Charges: 2 - Cost: 150 cr
Equip an Hourglass. Fire to throw it. When touching a surface the hourglass pops and stuns enemies close to it.
Ultimate Ability: Wonderland
Cost: 8 Ultimate Orbs
Pull out a pocket watch. Press fire to rewind the time and create a field around you. Allies are stimmed and Enemies caught inside enter the slow motion phase. The Field stays around the player and lasts 10 seconds.
Here is another agent concept of mine. This time its a rework of an older one i made because i really liked the time theme i went with back then but i felt it was kinda lackluster, so now i came up with a better one! Feedback is as always appreciated! Thank you for reading. ^^
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