Agent Concept: Vox

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 4:21 AM

Remember that "peak VALORANT" meme a while back, showing a pro match on Pearl's B site littered with abilities? That got me wondering: what if there was an agent that took KAY/O's gimmick of "your abilities mean nothing against me," and applied that to defense? Now, getting swarmed with a billion flashes/stuns can become a little more bearable.

Introducing the (would be) 23rd agent and fifth Sentinel of the VALORANT Protocol/Legion: Vox.

  • Signature: Low-Pass
    • ACTIVATE to prepare a personal protective barrier for a limited time. If Vox is blinded, concussed, or nearsighted while the barrier is active, the effect is ignored, and the barrier is destroyed. The barrier can be deactivated.
    • To give the enemy a warning that their abilities have been negated, a special sound cue will play to signal that Vox was effected, and his position will be revealed, giving the enemy a chance to react and form a new plan, while also giving them the information to properly act on it. Note: this will only happen if an enemy's ability triggers Low-Pass. Otherwise, Vox keeps his location hidden.
  • Basic Q: Clipper
    • EQUIP a high-power speaker. FIRE to throw the speaker. ALT FIRE to lob. ACTIVATE the speaker to unleash a damaging wave of sound.
    • Yes, it's basically just a copy-paste of KJ's Nanoswarm. I ran out of ideas here, so if you all have anything cooler, let me know!
  • Basic C: Recorder
    • EQUIP a recording device. FIRE to place a destructible microphone that reveals all enemies that make noise in the area. This ability can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.
    • Basically, if you could hear it while standing exactly where the Recorder is, and the enemy is within the Recorder's range (about 6 meters or so), the Recorder will reveal them.
    • Counterplay comes in the form of a constant hum emitted by the Recorder, and the fact that if you slowly walk by without shooting, you give ZERO intel to Vox.
  • Ultimate: Subwoofer.
    • EQUIP the Subwoofer device. FIRE to deploy the device. Once planted, it regularly provides a protective barrier to all teammates within range.
    • Although the Low-Pass barriers last for much less time, the reveal effect is cancelled during this time.

It's not anything super special or whatever, but I do feel like a defensive KAY/O style agent could help the health of the game to an extent.



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