Agent Idea - Dhun

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 26, 2021 6:45 PM

Dhun is an Indian agent who uses his mastery of sounds to dominate the area and lockdown spaces.

Ability 1 (C): Throw a mini-tabla (An Indian Instrument) which has a range of KAY/O's knife, which deafens the enemy for 5 seconds, allowing teammates to push through without worrying about noise. Charges: 2, 100 Creds each

Ability 2 (Q): Deploy a musical instrument which hides itself in the ground and activates like KJ's alarm-bot to concuss the enemy for 3 seconds. Cannot be recalled. Charges: 1, 200 Creds

Ability 3 (E): Enter a passive stance and unleash sounds barely hearable which bounce off walls and reveal agents in a time of 3 seconds in a range of 30m. 45 seconds cooldown. Dhun's hearing is also boosted for 10 seconds, allowing him to hear low volume noises pretty clearly.

Ability 4 (X): No noise goes unheard, Dhun can hear every single footsteps of his enemy, even if they are walking for 10 seconds. (Positions revealed for 10 seconds) If enemies come within a 30 meter range, they hear Fake bullets and footsteps from different directions every 10 seconds. If enemies enter a 10 meter range, all of their hearing is taken out. However, teammates within 5 meter radius can't hear as well. 6 Ability points.



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