Posted by Steve
Friday, February 5, 2021 6:45 PM
Hello I'm {insert nickname} and I'm currently in {insert high rank}. I've reached my rank even without having good aim {insert screenshot of aimlabs showing your stats}
I'm going to show you three never heard before tips to outplay the enemy.
- Gamesense
{write 100-300 words where you explain that you need to improve your gamesense, without actually explaining how}
- Crosshair placement
You need place your crosshair where the enemies will come from (check out tip 1 if you don't understand where the enemies will come from)
{inset totally unrelated clip of you getting 5 kills on a smurf account}
- Crosshair placement v2
Headshots do more damage than bodyshots. The head is higher than the body. If you put your crosshair above the enemy's body hitbox you will get an headshot
{plug your discord}
Also, if this doesn't work it's because the game is bad
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Posted by Otto
Saturday, April 9, 2022 1:57 PM
I had 300 comp wins during Act 3. Here are my tips, takeaways, and anecdotes.

Posted by Otto
Friday, January 15, 2021 1:28 PM
Bleach ults can be avoided with a bunny hop.

Posted by Otto
Monday, April 17, 2023 5:48 PM