Allow us to lock in store skins.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 12, 2022 4:50 AM

I'm sure a lot of us have had this issue. You've been waiting for a skin to show in your store for a while but it's never there. Then the time it finally shows its face is right after you've had to pay bills or some other reason and you can't justify spending the money on the skin.

Please allow us the option to lock one or all of the skin rotations so that players can finally buy the skins they want when its good for them. Just have it so it won when the skins would change for rotation they don't.

Another thing that would be really nice is if the store would have all skins at all times so players can buy whatever whenever. Maybe keep a rotation going and have the 4 skins in rotation be offered at a reduced price (not as much as the night market offers, but have some money off.)



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