Am I the only one experiencing very inconsistent matches in ranked, specifically Platinum - Diamond elo?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:12 PM


TL;DR: Sometimes I can drop 30 frags, then drop 4 the next round, with gunfights that are imo unwinable without prefiring. Same enemies in two rounds can play absolutely different, in one dominating, in the next not hitting anything.

I started playing this game after putting in around 2k hours into CS in GE, Faceit Level 8, 1k into R6 in High Plat to low Diamond, and a few thousand hours into other games like Rust, TF2, Apex. I started ranked 3 weeks ago in Silver 1 and played myself to Plat 3 solo. My goal was to reach Diamond, but honestly, after a whole week in Plat 3, I have just one question on my mind:

Why is high elo so inconsistent?

Although I sometimes perform bad, which I think everyone does sometimes, I usually perform consistently within the top 3 of the match. But sometimes I feel like I can dominate an entire round, drop 30 frags and take the win, and then the next round I can get absolutely destroyed and go 4/14. And the worst thing to me is that I cannot narrow down what is causing this.

When I'm in 'the zone' , I hit my shots. But some matches I just feel I don't even have a chance to shoot back. Like I would have to pre-fire every single peek to even have a slight % of winning that gunfight. And then other games I feel like I am winning gunfights that I shouldn't be winning.

And after plowing through Plat 1 - 2, I feel Plat 3 shouldn't be giving me this much of a hard time. Considering that some Diamonds (and even Immortals) I am matched against can sometimes be worse than a Gold 3 in the same lobby. I have gone against enemies that 13:4'd us , literally tapping everyone and everything, mowing through every site. And then they get matched against us again and get 13/6'd themselves, without a trace of their taps and skills from the round before.

Does anyone else share this feeling? Might just be me...



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