Posted by Steve
Friday, August 20, 2021 2:55 AM
I feel like Breeze has taken the 'Most Sh*t-talked' map spot from Icebox. Noticed this happening once the new map hype died down.
And I certainly understand why some people may not like it. Very large map makes some agents near useless, and so many games end up devolving into a snipe off.
Despite these issues, I honestly think it's a very fun map to play on. Maybe I'm just more patient than the average player, but in truth it's one of the only maps that keeps me awake when I play. In a close, long game, maps with really dull color schemes like Bind and Icebox (not to say I don't like these maps) tend to kinda bore me. I guess not everyone feels thay way, but there's more reasons why Breeze is one of my favorites.
The size of the map kinda makes it less spammy. It's less often that close in-your-face spray matches happen. Typically it's more longer range gunfights and makes buy rounds a little better for me since I don't have to buy the same weapon over and over again. This map has made me appreciate lesser used weapons like the Guardian and the Bulldog. It even made me use the Vandal more since it doesn't have the crippling damage drop off the Phantom does.
Now, I can't say I like playing on this map multiple times in a row, but I'm honestly pretty disappointed when people queue dodge Breeze. And honestly, the amount of times I've seen players start off with really bad mental just because of the map is sad.
Just wanted to put my thoughts out there and see if there are any Breeze lovers out there. (or at least Breeze toleraters who won't scream into the mic if it pops up)
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