Am I the only one who runs into a lot of racists?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 21, 2023 1:00 AM

Lately this has been sucking the fun out of the game for me, I main Phoenix and like 25% of the games I play someone makes weird comments. I play on EU servers and have noticed it the most on Warsaw. Especially Russian speaking people (sorry for generalizing) will just randomly, for no reason at all, drop the n-word, make monkey noises or just say some other vile shit and it's making me real sad. I report them every single time but I feel like Riot doesn't do anything about it. Usually telling them they're being cringe makes things worse too, they'll just laugh and make even worse comments. Why doesn't Riot do anything about this, it's genuinely ruining my gaming experience because it happens on a daily basis



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