Am I the toxic one, and what would you have done?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, August 12, 2021 11:48 PM

Hi guys, sorry for the wall of text below.

My last game got to me quite a bit with the toxicity, even as it started the two toxic ones instalocked. I was playing Sage on Bind (unrated by the way), and we lose the attacking pistol round. In round 2 we try to attack B site, it was me, Raze and Jett in a 3v2, Raze and I on long, and Jett just entered the site. Our Raze was on 75 HP and Jett was on 50 so as I was about to heal our Jett the Raze said down the mic "heal me motherfucker" (bear in mind that that was the first thing he said all game).

I refused to heal the Raze and then was 1 tapped before getting the heal off on the Jett. The next round the raze was being toxic and the Jett messaged "Sege you need heal, you have brain?". This really pissed me off (mainly because it was my first game). I proceed to play like normal though and when entering the site I was the lowest HP, so naturally healed myself. The raze then threw his nade at me. He continued to nade me for the next 2 rounds. So in round 5 I just decided to go back to spawn and wall myself in and leave my computer for a minute as I was angry.

I was bottom fragging at this point and the Jett and Raze were still being toxic, I will admit I'm not a perfect person so when Jett said again that my only job was to heal the duelists, I reminded him that it was his job to actually enter sites and try and get kills (he was in 3rd place and doing badly). I then muted them both. They were both spamming to report me in chat before I muted them.

I just decided after that to play normally with them muted, but as it was unrated and I'm not dealing with disrespect in unrated I just refused to heal the Raze and didn't go out of my way to heal the Jett, I know it's petty but seeing as it's unrated I didn't care enough for the win, if it was competitive I would have just healed them like normal even though the toxicity.
The funniest part was it was a fairly even split on the kills with me slightly lagging behind at the end but I had loads of assists, and it was our Reyna who was the only one who you could potentially say was carrying.

End of the day, I wasn't perfect but was I really in the wrong. What would you have done? I'm also aware that this wasn't even a terrible example of toxicity, they weren't threatening me or saying extremely horrible stuff (I've experienced plenty of that in my time playing video games) but it just really annoyed me.

Tldr: Raze and Jett being toxic, I decided to stop healing them, as it was only unrated, am I in the wrong.



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