am i just playing against better players or am i just bad? (new player)

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 19, 2022 9:38 AM

Hello everyone, never thought I would find myself in this subreddit but here I am.

Recently, my friends have started to play this game and I joined them. This game was fun at first but now as I play more and more I feel like either I play against really great players or my aim just sucks. I'm level 14 btw, I barely played CS:GO in the past, maybe 10 hours in total. I'm more of a moba player and that's why my DPI is 6000.

The thing is, I play deathmatch every day to practice and when my friends join we go for unrated or swiftplay. However, regardless of the game mode everyone in my game I die to headshots every freaking time. Like no exception, only headshots and I'm just tired of not being able to do anything. I have no intention to play ranked when I hit level 20 but still I wanna play the game just for fun. I try to check my opponents' ranks but they're not visible so I can't really tell if the matchmaking is the problem or my skills.

Should I aim for exactly for the head or is spray a thing in valorant too just like in CS:GO? So far, I can't really tell the difference. Is there anything I can do to prevent getting headshot except I do the headshot first? (i know how silly this question is lmao)

I usually play with Ghost, Phantom or Bulldog.



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