Posted by Steve
Monday, September 12, 2022 9:53 AM
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Why do I feel like I play worse when I'm with my friends?
I play ranked with 2 other friends. We're all plats. But we have a couple other bronze and silver friends so we mostly play unranked to play with them.
The thing is: when I'm playing (unranked) with them, I always think I've been carried t...
Posted by Otto
Saturday, December 11, 2021 12:31 PM
Ranking higher makes my sens lower
I just want to see if anyone relates to me
Around Iron, I had 0.7 sens so that I could check corners fast, only downside being my disadvantage at long range fights. Ranked up to bronze and decided to set my sens to 0.5 because I lose fight...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, March 2, 2023 12:17 PM