Posted by Steve
Saturday, May 20, 2023 3:09 AM
I’ve been grinding Aim Labs for a couple weeks and the improvement is actually crazy. It’s definitely working for me. I’m hitting scores so high I’m genuinely proud. But when I hop into Valorant, I’m always missing shots. And I finally pinpointed the reason after watching a VOD of my last three matches. I don’t stay calm when I see an enemy, and I get very jittery. My crosshair placement goes to waste because I micro adjust unintentionally when the opponent comes on screen.
Not to sound “wimpy” or anything…but I essentially get scared lol. When I watch pro players and higher ranked players, their aim is always smooth and calm. Does anyone have advice for achieving this? I don’t get jittery in death match because I don’t focus nearly as much so I’m not expecting myself to expect an enemy. How do I translate this mindset to ranked?
Please and thanks, friends.
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