Any tips for total colourblind players ?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 4:07 AM

Hi,I'm fully colourblind (achromatopsia) and basically the game is in black,gray,white for me. I played for like 2-3 weeks now and really like the game. But basically I can never tell who's an ally or enemy,can't see anyone unless they move or shoot me,walls and viper's skills are a big "no" on my face since it's almost a grey screen for me. Obviously you can guess I lose 90% of the time (also cause I have poor reaction timing lol) but all those things combined just makes the game unfun and frustrating which is too bad cause I love the game and I don't think putting a big arrow saying "here's the enemy" would be fair anyway. I mostly play Sage cause basically I can help without having to be good at shooting enemies but it's still frustrating as hell and most fps games do this to me.

So if you have any tips or tactics I'd be thankful.

Thanks for everyone's answers,I'll try every advices people have pointed out to try and make it more playable.



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