Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 3:38 AM
Im in Ascendant rn and I still get diamond players in my lobbies. Diamond players have good aim but their game sense isn't there yet. so Why is is that when im at ascendant im still getting these players? Im not saying Diamond players are shit but when your at a higher rank, you'd expect your games to be more competitive or at the least have majority of the players be your rank. since I have been asc when it was introduced) its felt like Ive never had a true ascendant game. its always felt like half ascendant half diamond.
When I used to play league of legends, when I was gold, ~7/10 of my games were entirely gold players. or even when I run other games like Rocket League, my team is diamond and rarely get another ranked teammate.
In Valorant I feel like the mmr system needs to be adjusted or they need to address the boosting problem to fix the ranks of alot of people. Ive been in ascendant for the past three acts like wtf and my lobbies are so scuffed. I literally just had a d3 brim have an acs of 101 and I had 340. both teams only had 1 ascendant (one being me) and its just not fun having to always micromanage these teammates. if im in ascendant give me ascendant level players. if they can do this in the top 1% they should be doing it in the top 4%
I always feel like I have to carry or ill lose. It hasn't felt like I had a solid evenly skilled team in a while.
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