Anyone else feel like they're just not playing the same game as everyone else?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 21, 2023 6:02 AM

My guns arent shooting where my crosshair is pointing, I have to stand still for ten minutes to even have a chance at dodging the moving accuracy penalty. It feels like my gun has recoil because I move my crosshair towards someone.

If i shoot at someone flying through the air my bullets will magically spread across my entire screen even if Im standing still. If I shoot when the red dot appears on my Op scope it still shoots wider than your moms legs last night.

If I play comp someone will shoulderpeek my angles and headfuck me with a single bullet after theyve disappeared off my screen. If I play dm no one lets go of their movement keys and magically headshot me. If they come to a standstill theyre shooting immediatly afterwards with 1000% accuracy, something that shouldnt be possible because this game just has superior gunplay mechanics

Oh and none of this happened until like mid-December (:



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