Anyone here getting discriminated by your enemies and other random team mates because of your weapon choice?

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 1, 2021 1:00 AM

I was a filthy casual at CSGO i had game sense, map awareness but 0 aim. When i played Valo i had the same issue. So i tried all the weapons so that i can be that jack of all trades master of none kind of deal. That's the same mentality i also had for agents. I tried phantom vs vandal but i always seem to not do well. Until i found the ares. Ares isnt really good for higher ranks but for lower ranks it gets you somewhere. Now using the ares since most of the lower ranks cant one tap i am doing better i can carry sometimes and i am not even a duelist player i usally play controller or sentinel. Stuck from iron 1 now bordering bronze 3 (i know small steps). Now here comes toxic players who criticize me for my weapon choice. It's not even valuable criticism it's just straight up harrasment. You know what i mean. I always keep telling the toxic players that Riot added these guns for some reasons, if you have any problems on why you keep dying to my weapon choice complain to Riot on why they added the weapon to the game and not me who's just trying to climb and have fun. Cycle usually repeats at that.

I am always practicing vandal one tap or phantom sprays always though. I am just not confident enough yet to make it viable.

I swear this is just how shotgun sages live huh?



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