Posted by Steve
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 9:24 AM
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I got chat banned for telling a person to “Shhh” sine he kept sending messages on chat through out the game saying wtf to all our team mates (Unrated)
Is this really how easily Valorant bans someone now? I’ve encountered so many toxic people in chat and I get banned for this? This guy playing Sova kept chatting ??? And wtf to our whole team and in the end I just said Sova Shhh and then ho...
Posted by Otto
Monday, February 8, 2021 6:31 AM
If your teammate abandons on OT, his vote should count as a draw
I just had a game where our Reyna abandoned due to the internet dying. We win on defense and lose on defense. Now it's time to vote, we all decide to draw since we don't know when he will be back and it's a massive disadvantage 4v5. But we...
Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 25, 2021 1:57 PM
Additional surrender attempt after teammate leaves.
I really would like to see the possibility to surrender after a teammate leaves and it's 4v5. It often happens that a teammate leaves after you already used up the surrender opportunity. It's a huge disadvantage to play 4v5 and I think a lo...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 7:00 AM