Posted by Steve
Monday, June 13, 2022 12:31 PM
Astra main here (we're like 10 people but we exist) and I'd like to ask your thoughts about a QoL change I think Astra should have.
When you place a star with Astra, you can retrieve it and you have a 25 seconds CD before being able to use the star again. The CD is shown visually by the star icon progressively filling up with a yellow colour.
The issue I have with this is the approximation it gives. You do know it's 25 seconds but I'm not counting in my head everysecond so I have absolutely no possibility to tell my team "I can smoke in 8 seconds, wait", it's always "I'll smoke soon" or "Sucking in a bit". It's even more hard to predict when you've retrieved several stars and you have several CD going on as shown on the image below.

In my opinion, they should implement a timer, just as the one on the ability to make our life a little bit easier with Astra being able to know what time you have left before being able to use the stars again like this:

The timer could be positionned anywhere and Astra players would thank you very much :D
Thanks for reading the Astra main struggle :D
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