Being held hostage in Competitive needs to be addressed.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 11, 2021 11:04 AM

The NotThatGuys joined and said they're throwing in lobby and that we could play if we chose too. They told the enemy team in all chat at game start and asked not to get reported because they were "giving free elo". The trolls just camp spawn and are generally toxic, we get 13/0 and talked down on by the enemy team like we're bad players all while being forced to move every round or we'll all suffer automatic afk penalties! Stop punishing players who are held hostage and put your silly auto bans on people who announce they're throwing. This happens every game, at least one team has an afk or a hard troll, and every player on the team is punished for it. Nobody should lose rating because they had a round 1 afk, or played with people like this.



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