Bottom fraggers are sometimes the best on the team

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 21, 2020 7:57 AM

Slightly misleading title, but this is something I have to post.

By no means am I high ranking, at silver 3/gold 1, however in many of my ranked games, and also in unrated, I have found that bottom fraggers on the team get angry at themselves, and apologize frequently for things they could not control. For example, in the latest ranked game I played, Reyna was having one of "those" days, where shots don't connect, bad timing, etc. This happens to everyone, and although they were indeed not having a great game, they also had a good attitude and even gave up a "pep talk" at halftime.

This is what my friends and I try to encourage from the people that aren't always doing the best, we hype them up, have fun, and play like we have already been friends with that person and we are doing a friendly scrim. In almost every single one of these cases, we have won the game, sometimes with the person who was 3/10 first half leading us at the end of the game.

All I want to explain is, if you have someone on your team who is angry, perhaps flaming you or your teammates, maybe just being sad that they cannot help the team, have fun with them, and use the internet as a tool to bring people from across the globe together, even for one match.



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