Breach assists are broken as hell, you get no assist for a teammate killing someone who's fully ulted/stunned half the time (Pro players tweets)

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 23, 2022 7:57 PM

Breach assists are broken as hell, you get no assist for a teammate killing someone who's fully ulted/stunned half the time (Pro players tweets)

With other initiators, especially Kayo, Skye and Sova you get an assist even ~20 seconds after you've suppressed someone with a knife/drone/reveal or healed a teammate even if the knife/drone/arrow has no direct impact anymore

but with Breach if your teammates kill someone just 1 seconds after they're flashed you don't get an assist, they have to be fully blind for it to be an assist and it's even worse with stun/ult, you could stun someone off an angle and if they die just a second later = no assist, the same with ults (See pro tweet examples below)

I know it's just assists and probably meaningless for MM/ELO etc but it's demotivating playing an agent as Breach who's pretty much designed to be played in team-play and for teammates rather than himself.

Some pro tweets about this:

I'm here for ALL 17 Breach mains demanding we get our assists, I get it's one of the more neglected agents (along with Cypher/Killjoy homies) but damn let me get my assist.



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