Brimstone buff suggestion: Stim Shield

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 15, 2021 12:02 AM

Brimstone buff suggestion: Stim Shield



This suggestion came up on my timeline, with the current meta and so many post-plant bomb abilities like Nanoswarms, mollies, vipers pit, Astra's pull, shock darts nades etc. it becomes REALLY hard to get the bomb defused especially when the enemy team is throwing these abilities from far away and safety, this would be a direct and first ever counter to the post-plant ability meta AND it would spice up Brimestone's C ability into something useful compared to what it is right now!

edit: just to repeat this would NOT block bullets or ultimates or act like 100% all-damage blocking shield, just abilities that do damage and it would only last 5 seconds it's not a shield that blocks ALL damage just one that would be a counter to post-plant abilities that gets thrown on bombs, ultimates will still go through it and so would bullets.



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