Brimstone stim beacon buff

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 1:00 AM

Brimstone is falling behind omen as a controller. A frequent complaint is the limited utility of his stim beacon. Riot tried to address this by a fire rate increase in 1.09.

With the addition of more flashes, I suggest that the stim beacon also reduce the flash effects (in additional to the rapid fire). This reduction could be a combination of total flash time and the transition from flashed to normal vision.

For example, the reduction could be 15%. So for a full 2s flash, the effective flash would be 1.7s. Partial flashes would have a corresponding reduction. Or the transition could start earlier so the agent would have partial vision and normal vision at 2s.

The radius would stay unchanged. If a player is blinded outside the range, they could enter the radius to reduce the blind effects.

This change would most likely impact defense and site holding. Entry strategy would likely not be impacted as it would still be better not getting flashed.



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