Posted by Steve
Sunday, December 18, 2022 8:55 AM
I just saw C9 Yay (arguably the best player right now) streaming a Iron to Radiant with classic only. I am a big fan of his for many reasons (even before he won masters Iceland), he was the last person I would have expected to do Smurfing Content, Can't say I am not disappointed because I don't know why he had to do this type of low effort content when all he had to do is stream anything and his fans and admirers will watch it religiously.
When I typed in his chat about promoting smurfing to thousands of people, some of his chatters defended his actions, saying stuff like "He is using classic only, its not smurfing", I say bullshit to that. This exact thing has been done before and yes you can reach Immo using classic only. so tell me how is this not smurfing when you are so good that all it takes is a free gun to reach Immo/radiant. albeit will take lil longer than using rifles, but it's still smurfing and still promoting smurfing.
I won't say stuff like "He is not my favorite anymore", cause I'll be lying, but It doesn't hurt any less when he is doing these cheap content, when all of his supporters will watch anything that he'll stream (he doesn't need to frag every game).
Maybe C9 is making him do content or something? IDK, still a sad day for me and his other fans. we can just hope that this doesn't affect lower rank smurfing problems anymore.
Edit: I am seeing a lot of people defending smurfing by saying :-
- "If you play enough you will get out of low elo"
- "Smurfs aren't the reason you are in silver"
- "Everyone gets Smurfs not just you"
- "Learn from Smurfs"
To answer the "Learn from Smurfs", the only thing you can learn from Smurfs is hit heads . I don't know if these people are delusional or something but touting "Learn from Smurf" as a means to justify their own smurfing or defending your fav streamer/pro player is harmful to the game and the community.
Many people are making analogy by saying "what if Lionel Messi came to my school to play football, It would be ecstatic", to this I would say, some people just wanna play some games after a tough day, they don't wanna get destroyed by a Radiant Smurf in their gold games. It doesn't matter if the Smurf is Jesus Christ himself. Not everyone follows E-sport.
Some people commenting that "Smurf aren't the reason that you aren't ranking up" or "Everyone gets Smurfs", the reason we are seeing these dystopian comments is because smurfing has become normalized, people just gave up on this getting fixed or they just ranked up and don't care about low elo smurfing anymore. Either way just because some immoral action is done by the masses, It doesn't justify the action. Stop supporting smurfing you are also the part of the problem.
Edit 2: I am still seeing frequent comments like "just play the game more and don't worry about ranks and whatever", Sometimes I doubt humans ability to articulate. I have been playing this game for over a year now and I already went through my struggle a long time ago. This post was never meant to be a rant about smurfing, but big streamers and pro players doing it and promoting it. You cannot hold "Randoms" from smurfing (unless Riot does something) but you can hold big streamers and pro players accountable for their damaging action against the community.
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