Can I please get some agent advice?

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 1, 2023 8:12 PM

Hi! Can I please get some agent advice for Split, Bind, Fracture and Haven?

I’m a Chamber one-trick-pony, and I find myself struggling on a lot of maps.

Specifically Split, Bind, Fracture, and Haven. All these maps I have a win rate between 30-50%.

While the rest the maps Pearl, Ascent and Lotus. I’m doing fine, I even have a almost 80% wr on Pearl.

So for Split, Bind, Fracture and Haven, I’ve been thinking Jett, Raze and Reyna. But I think they are a little bit hard to use effectively, with the exception of Reyna, but Jett dash and smokes is kinda hard, and the Raze satchels is kinda hard and the ult to make good use of it.

So my question is, which agent should I play for the maps Split, Bind, Fracture and Haven? I want the best results for the lowest time invested, if that’s optimal. Thoughts?



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