Commend system for ranked especially

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 29, 2022 1:00 PM

Since my last suggestion of a pause inclusion went over well, here's another one: commend system. Keep it very simple, at the end of each game players can commend other players in their last played game, from the same drop down that gives us the option to "report" or "add friend"

How it works is players can commend players for: being a good teammate, good comms, etc. The commended player gets a small reward of some kind: radianite points (to upgrade skin features) or a tiny amount of rr (let's say 1 rr for every 5 commends). This way, players are incentivized to NOT be toxic. In fact. It incentives players to be good teammates, work together, comm regularly, etc

On top of this, this could be used as a tool to help devs weed out the toxic players. If someone receives no commends and 2-4 reports per game on a regular basis, clearly this player is not an enjoyable teammate. To take this a step further, instead of banning that player, the devs could intentionally have players who consistently get reported AND no commends to queue together. This way, all toxic players play with one another while positive players get queued together

Thus making the ranked environment more enjoyable overall and TRULY incentives toxic players from changing their ways

Last note: while playing in groups would make the suggested queue change more challenging, I'm sure the devs could find a way to make it work




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