Controller Agent Concept (CARNAGE)

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 26, 2021 5:33 AM

Hey yall! After posting the Ember concept yesterday I decided might as well slowly start moving all my concepts that are within the official Valorant discord server out into Reddit as well.

I am Weeb Concept Creator (W.C.C.), a moderator for the official Valorant discord server who makes many...many different agent concepts to simply have fun and theorize what could actually pop into the game!

This is going to be the controller concept most of my fellow friends love the most for it's theme and overall design of how they'd play. This is Carnage:

Kaira, an wrongfully convicted individual sent to life in one of the largest prisons in the world. He had good social skills and made lots of friends and even helped many which started to grow his reputation and people began to look after him as well. Other inmates started to disappear however, and suddenly the wardens grabbed Kaira and sent him into the backrooms where he saw many friends of his having their soul ripped apart from their bodies, a glowing entity of red spinning in black mist from the radianite pikes plunging into their chests. They were all sent to a gathered ball of screaming, agonizing emotions, it seemed only Kaira could hear their pleads. When the radianite pike pierced into him however, something snapped inside of him, and suddenly the emotions of everyone around him blew up in flair, and with it, he could feel the soul of everyone around him, all their cries of pain, and the evil within the wardens. Something happened, and while he was bleeding out for the pike still inside of him, and explosion went off, destroying the entire prison and eradicating almost everyone there. There were some wardens and police men who were limping for safety and along the rubble was Kaira, with thousands of screaming souls moving around him and slowly merging with him. They helped stopped the bleeding, and Kaira got to his feet with a new found energy, a new found purpose, a new lust for Carnage. Kaira was still innocent and wanted everyone safe, but he knew something had to be down, he knew they had to pay. He could hear his friends along with strangers within his head, a hivemind of screaming emotions and impossible pleads. He let them take over his body when he saw the same warden that pierced one of his friends in the backroom, he let the collective entity of all the inmates that were wronged within him take over as they combined formed Carnage*.*

Agent Name: Carnage (Controller / Lurking Smokes)

Q: Swirling Agony ---> EQUIP a bundle of rivaling souls. FIRE to release the souls that travel a short distance forward and through walls. Once it reaches a short distance, the souls spin violently for the next 5 seconds and destroys any projectile (other than bullets) that comes through the loop. Once a projectile passes the hoop, or after 5 seconds, the loop fills into a screen blocking line of sight for the next 10 seconds. (2 Charges, 100 Credits Each)

C: Devour Hope ---> INSTANTLY enter a animalistic hunting state, unable to fire weapons or use other abilities. While active, gain complete silence when running and jumping and gain the ability to see enemies through walls based on their missing health from a short distance (NOTE: Enemies Don't Appear For Allies If Seen). RE ACTIVATE to disable the ability. Total amount of activation time is 10 seconds. (1 Charge, 300 Credits)

E: Descending Misery ---> EQUIP a ball of ravaging souls. FIRE to enter a unique view that will constantly move at a fast pace and freely move. RE ACTIVATE or reaching max distance, go back to CARNAGE's view and send the bundle of souls forward along the path, leaving a smoke trail lasting 22.5 seconds. (NOTE: When forming the path, CARNAGE will not see enemies unless other allies have a visible view of them. Similar to OMEN's unique view with his smokes). (1 Charge, Free, Recharges After 35 Seconds)

X: Annihilation ---> INSTANTLY unsheathe all of the souls within Kaira to form an energized blade of emotions for the next 10 seconds. During this time Kaira has permenate activation of Devour Hope and can see enemies much further. FIRE to slice with the blade and HOLD FIRE to charge a lunge. Upon striking an enemy, annihilate them and, after a few seconds, pull away and gain invulnerability and invisibility for a brief moment. (7 Ultimate Charges Required)

So yeah! That's the Carnage concept! Let me know what you think in the comments and if you wanna see more over time I'll post them here but also head into the official valorant discord server and find me inside #agent-discussion where I'm the most active if I'm not doing my normal moderator duties.



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