Cost reduction/discounts on Christmas, and proper costs of vp. Methods of earning vp

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 14, 2020 10:36 AM

So we know that the costs of vp is high/low for some, so it would have been good if they added discount or something during huge festivals, and we also know that vp is not always the greatest since they are not buyable at a significant cost if they gave 1,250 instead of 1,150 we could just buy another 550 instead of 500 to get 1,800 with which you could buy a skin in the valorant skin store.

And if they added a way you could earn vp from the free act pass, that would be amazing so players who cannot afford vp can save it up from the free act pass and possibly get their first skin.

I hope what I’ve said is all clear and fairly understandable.

This is just an opinion, please refrain from attacking me. Thank you.



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