Cypher Rework Idea

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 16, 2022 7:43 AM

This rework is meant to make cypher a global infomation gather. So cypher may be a bit weaker on site holding but much stronger at gathering infomation around the map in a defensive way

Cypher Rework:


  • Cannot be destroyed by teammates
  • Cost decreased from 200 to 150


  • Charges decreased from 2 to 1
  • Enemies inside Cyphers cage are heavly slowed
  • Can pick up Cage after round starts


  • Charges increased to 3 from 1
  • Spycam costs 150 Credits with 1 for free
  • Press your primary and secondary fire to switch between Spycams
  • Destroyed Spycams will not be given back
  • Cannot be destroyed by teammates
  • Reyna's Eye will not reaveal cyphers Spycam
  • Spycam will no longer have a cooldown, if picked up you instaly get it back, but if destoryed you lose the Spycam
  • Press F (Or your active key) to shoot your Spycam Dart


  • instead of pinging all enemies once gives all enemies a spy cam dart



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