Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 12, 2022 2:55 PM
I played Cypher in the PBE last weekend (and probably will again this weekend), and while the Cypher buffs allowing for 50% longer trips do allow for some really cool setups, they become completely meaningless when faced with most of the agents currently in the game.
I could have a really cool setup, but it's all for nothing because Fade sends in a prowler and breaks it all (something that Chamber's slow or KJ's alarmbot is not affected by). And it's not just that, Raze nades and boombot also clear out large areas.
Right now, for me those are the biggest drawbacks to Cypher, and the upcoming buffs aren't improving that part of it.
(although, making it so friendly util won't break tripwires was a pretty good change).
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