Deathmatch needs serious changes. Here is my pitch

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 9:52 PM

Currently, Deathmatch only really functions as it's own primary gamemode. Spike rush and honestly unrated both feel better to warm up in because you're able to actually relax and just let yourself sink back into the gameplay. Whereas for several reasons, Deathmatch makes it feel necessary to invest your full focus into the gamemode and start to burn yourself out before you even start playing comp.

As a disclaimer, I'm sure many of you prefer things this way. I'm sure DM as it is can be a lot of fun. My primary issue, is that Riot has explicitly said that DM is the gamemode for practicing gunplay. The mode for warming up. Not the mode for sweating for a win. If Riot wants DM to actually serve that purpose they need to make changes.

The purpose of Deathmatch, supposedly, it to practice Valorant gunplay. The reality, is that the desire most players have is to win, being the first to 40 kills. The result of this is that unless you want to get headshot the second your round a corner. You need to shift-walk everywhere. You need to soundwhore like your life depends on it. The amount of stress DM induces in it's current state is more comparable to comp than it is to Spike Rush. Here are my proposed changes.

  1. No more "40 kills to win." Could even just toss out the whole scoreboard. The incentive to "win" a DM is gone.
  2. DM servers are now constantly up, rotating maps every 15 minutes, rather than queuing up for 10 minutes at a time. Servers are drop-in drop-out.
  3. The biggest and most difficult, but also hopefully the best of my ideas: There are an assortment of optional "rules" that players on the server can vote on. If 75% or so vote yes, those rules are activated. These rules include things like;
    1. headshot-only,
    2. instant respawn,
    3. limited gun pool
    4. You could even make a rule that the first to 40 kills wins, for those players who prefer having something specific to fight for.

This last rule is specifically to make up for the strength that CS:GO had in this regard over Valorant. Community servers meant that the ideal DM environment for you was always an option. This way, on Valorant, you can tick the rules you'd like to play with and search for a server that is right for you and your preferences.



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