Debate: What rank is considered "High Elo"

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 18, 2021 7:57 PM

So I saw a post today asking what people thought was considered "High Elo". I was going to respond in a comment, but ended up going way more in detail and thought it deserved it's own post. Also, I was going to link the original post to this one, but was concerned it violated some rules of the thread. Specifically, "No Reposts", and "No Direct Address". If I am able to link the original post, please LMK and I will do so. Now, on to my opinions about the topic.

Fair warning, I love over-complicating things like this and I know that. ALSO, I am not trying to offend anyone by putting your rank in a certain category. I am just doing this for fun, everyone will have their own opinions (which I would love to hear), please be respectful of others opinions.

They way that I look at it, I don't think that it should be based off rank alone, but a % of the player base. Then with those percentages you can kind of look at rank distribution from there. In a very basic sense I think that it can be pretty easily categorized into 3 groups. Then from there you can do groups inside each group. (Kind of like how financial status is measured in some places. For example: upper-middle class, upper-lower class, etc)

The lower categories will have a MUCH larger percentage (in my opinion, low elo accounts for 60% of the entire player base), and fewer sub-categories. This is because the skill level/play experience in lower categories, is much more similar to each other, than in higher ranks. For example: a bronze 3 and a silver 3, often times, are VERY similar to each other. On the other hand, the difference between an Imm.1 and Imm.3, are often times very noticeable.

Please let me know what you think. Agree, disagree, mostly agree with a few tweaks, etc.

  • Low-Elo:
    • Bottom-low-elo: 31%
      • Accounts for the lowest about 30% of the player base. Comprise of mostly Iron1 - Bronze3.
    • Upper-low-elo: 30%
      • Accounts for the upper half, of the bottom 60% of the player base. Comprised of mostly silver1 - silver3.
  • Mid-Elo:
    • Lower-mid-elo: 26.2%
      • Accounts for the mid-tier players that recently broke out of bottom elos. Are beginning to improve mechanics and game sense. Comprised of mostly Gold1 - Plat1
    • Upper-mid-elo: 10.3%
      • Accounts for upper-mid tier players, many on the cusp of breaking into higher tier ranks. Comprised of mostly Plat2 - Diamond3
  • Upper-Elo:
    • Low-upper-elo: 1.2%
      • Top tier players. Comprised almost entirely of Imm1.
    • Middle-upper-elo: 0.6%
      • Best of the best, could probably perform OK against High-Upper tier agents, but will still struggle. Comprised of Imm2 - Imm3.
    • High-upper-elo: >0.1%
      • God among men. Absolute top of their fields. Comprised of some high Imm.3, mostly Radiants/Pros.

Yes I know I spent to much time on this, these things send me down a rabbit hole lol. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my "rank categories".



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