dia3 but my skill got so much worse

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 14, 2022 11:33 AM

so hello. i have been playing this game for 2 years now. i am diamond 3 now and im solo queuing since the beginning. i was hardstuck silver and gold but then suddenly promoted to diamond1. that was like 3 months ago. at this point i deserved it. i was playing well, 32% hs rate, 60% winrate, good damage per round etc.. almost skipped plat cause i grinded a lot and did my best. but now i stopped grinding as much as i did before and i got SO much worse. like it is embarrassing to say but i can not drop more then 10 kills, even had some where i had 4. i started to warm up even more, play unrated a lot… etc to not grief my teammates with my bad performace. then i have a very good unrated game and go comp and i am just useless again. i feel like it is very much my positioning and my mental thats fucking me up cause i know i can do better. but i do not know what else to do to not grief my teammates in ranked. i warm up so much but unrated only gets boring. did someone ever experience this feeling i have? like i suddenly lost all my „skill“???? i do not know how to play to have fun AND also not int my teammates ranked matches. i do not want to smurf but i just have 0 clue how to improve at this point. i wish the game would but me back in gold so i can learn anf play normally again. :F ty for reading :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yuj0oi/dia3_but_my_skill_got_so_much_worse/
  • https://reddit.com/yuj0oi

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