Diamond 1 but always bottom fragging.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 5, 2020 7:14 AM

Diamond 1 but always bottom fragging.

I recently hit diamond 1 from being gold act 1 and 2.


Ive been bottom fragging a lot in my games on the way up.

My aim is mediocre at best as seen from my headshot % but ive been able to compensate for it by being very vocal and using cheese strats with killjoy moli lineups.

One of the most important strat i use to win a decent amount of pistol rounds is to tell my teammates about what lineups i can do on the map we are playing, and playing off my lineup for pistol round. This results in pistol round win + 2nd round win.

On pistol defense, i make sure to start on the site with the highest probability of getting rushed (this is from experience)

Eg. Ascent A rush is popular on round 1 of pistol.

I learned to bait my turret and moli to get pistol round wins on defense when they rush the site im on.

I make sure i secure these rounds to give my team a solid 4 round advantage if i win both pistol rounds.

There are other tips ive learned that i can share if anyone wants.

Thanks for the read. Typed from mobile, sorry for typos.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k6mop4/diamond_1_but_always_bottom_fragging/
  • https://reddit.com/k6mop4

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