Did not receive Radionite points

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 10:36 AM

So I started today/new act with only 5 Radionite points (imma just call them RP). I instantly got the battle pass before starting my first match.

After the match, got passed tier 2 of the Year 1 Anniversary pass, which is 10 RP, as well as passed tier 3 of the battle pass, which is another 10 RP. So the total should be 25 RP with the previous 5 I started with, yet I’m only at 15.

I was wondering if this was a bug, or if maybe the anniversary pass didn’t give you the rewards until it was finished, or any other explanation. Any help appreciated.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/o5u7mm/did_not_receive_radionite_points/
  • https://reddit.com/o5u7mm

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