Directional Sound Improvements?

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 20, 2020 5:19 AM

Does anyone know if Riot has addressed the issues regarding directional sound? I don't believe theres been any updates to the sound engine as of now, But I might be completely wrong.

There have been too many instances where I'll hear someone coming behind me, just to turn around and die from the place I was originally watching.

Anyone else experience this often? Anyone know if Riot has addressed any issues regarding sound? Thanks

edit: Ask valorant in September addressed implementation of HRTF

“I'll say that we agree that HRTF is a worthwhile endeavor, and plan to begin work on implementation. There are a few preemptive steps we need to take (e.g. engine version updates), but are hoping that we can start in October.”

Thank you, u/Dobly1 and u/-CaPhBi-



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