How do I stop shaking every time I get into a game?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 12:02 AM

Somehow when I get into a game I just start shaking and shivering. Usually it'll be my leg shaking up and down and it'd vibrate my table to the point where you visually see my cursor shake and I'd have to consciously stop it. Then VERY cold hands. I remember one time I was top fragging by the end of the first half that during the second half my teammate offered me a vandal for a spectre. By the end I was bot fragging (we did still win though) and the shivering got worse pretty much. The worst part is, I would always turn off my fan cause of the shivering then after the game I'm just sweating hard as if I wasn't shivering cold the past 30 minutes. ._.

I see from that this is common but there aren't really any solutions on that post.



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