Does my report matter in these circumstances?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 20, 2021 12:02 AM

Does my report matter in these circumstances?

Queue up for a ranked. It's Fracture. The insta-lock Reyna spams "DODGE" 10 times in chat. We pick our agents.

Reyna goes 0/6 first 6 rounds. You know, no big deal. Could just be having a bad game.

Reyna is 0/12 at the half. "Alright Reyna," we say, "let's get your first kill." Not being toxic, just making light of a bad game. Throughout the game so far he is completely just joking around in voice chat. Every round is some variation of attention seeking: "This will be the round I get my first kill guys," he exclaims. "No wait, this will be the round. What do you guys think? Should I just go 0/20 by the end?"

"No, please play the game," I say.

Obviously, he isn't taking this game seriously and by the half it's pretty apparent.

He is 16 deaths in and on the 17th round he says, "Hey guys, actually I'm a Radiant and am making a YT video where I get zero kills or assists until the last round, then I start trying! Enjoy being in my YT video!"

What am I supposed to do at this point? He often died first early in the round so I was never in a position to spectate him and the game doesn't have a replay system yet. I didn't have recording software going (my FPS would tank) and I don't think Riot monitors voice communication. (Even if he admitted he was throwing in text chat I doubt anything would be done, however.)

SS of post-game:

Does my report even matter?



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