Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:07 PM
Please stop flaming lower ranked players / players who are new to the game - bad
I noticed that anytime you flame a player for being bad, they immediately give up in situations where a comeback is possible. So many players regardless of the rank you are in, seem to give up with 4-5 rounds loss - as someone coming from counter-strike, you could be down 6-7 rounds and still make a come back with proper comms and if everyone listens to call outs etc.
Flaming your teammates for being bad WILL NOT help you win the game, in fact it will kill the morale so quick that people will disconnect or go afk for rest of the game
Just be a good teammate and you can win or at least make the losing gap less and not lose as much RR points - thanks!
edit: thank you so much for the wholesome award to /u/CUTxEYE :)
edit2: thank you so much for another wholesome award to /u/dreameater777 :)
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