Posted by Steve
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 1:00 PM
She's not a must-pick anymore. In fact, I'd say that if you want to play her in a "competitively viable" sense, you'd probably want to run 2 controllers just because her smokes are the most limiting part of her kit.
HOWEVER, the amount of annoying, round-altering plays you can still make with Astra is astronomical. She is still one of the best agents for area denial and just utterly demolishing the enemy team when they don't respect her space. The nerfs may have made her have less options, sure, but the potency of her options are still nothing to scoff at. Two movement altering debuffs, aim impairment, visual AND audial disruption, and increased damage taken makes her the star at just blasting her way onto site or preventing attackers from doing the same.
I say the only difficulty she really has anymore is post-plant. She has to compete with Brimstone's 3 smokes, Omen's recharging smokes, and Viper's reusable smokes, and while they still might have utility outside of that, Astra has to balance her utility with her remaining stars to get any value. That's where most draw the line and say she's definitely not as good as the rest of the Controllers, which is why I don't really play her as one, at least not entirely. Personally, I kind of play her now as a Initiator, trying to use most of my utility to help me lead the charge onto site. Sure, it's not her job, and Breach does it better, but it's also really funny to annihilate a team that thinks that I'm completely useless just because Astra got some aspects of her kit nerfed.
A lot of people really under-estimate her now just because, "Oh, she got nerfed, she must suck now," or, "Her win-rate is super low," but I still think she has a place, whether an off-pick or not, in the meta.
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