Posted by Steve
Friday, January 27, 2023 8:26 AM
I made a list of rules for a spin-off version of Drunk by Daylight but for Valorant. This game is meant to be played with a group but could easily be played alone. It has all the rules required to get fucked up while playing Valorant and to have a good time. The rules are as stated in the picture
Every time you die - take a small drink
Every time you lose a round by either detonation or defuse - take a big drink
Every time you Ace - Choose someone to take a shot
Every time you Clutch - Choose someone to take a big drink
If the Enemy team aces - A random person takes a shot
If the Enemy team clutches - A random person takes a big drink
If you die to an ability - Take a small drink
If you lose the game - A random person takes a big drink
Whoever ends the game as top frag - Choose someone to take a big drink
If you kill someone with an ability - Choose someone to take a small drink
If you flash an ally - Take a small drink
Small drink = A sip
Big drink = A mouthful
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