Posted by Steve
Friday, November 13, 2020 11:04 AM
Playing a spike rush on Split and noticed that it said the map was Duality and that the game mode was Spike Blitz Unrated
Also, the other players didn't show up on pregame selection screen so I had no idea who was picking whom.
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Classroom Photo in Unrated
We stopped in the middle of a sheriff-only unrated game to take a classroom photo together. I'm the Cypher.
Honorable shoutouts to the homies (as requested): UncleIroh, Pnoi, eShifty, TinZm, Beanspc, HilKeta, Boofalous, Benz, and Zuko.
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 9:38 PM
How do you guys play with such low sensitivity?
I’m changing my sense to improve my gameplay and I’m just now realizing most of this subreddit has insanely low sense. My question is how so you even make it work?
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1:00 PM
do people even know how the economy works
I always hear people complaining about how they never have money to buy.or "omg im always so poor"
Like we loose pistol and you force the spectre. You lose that round and you force the spectre again and repeat for the whole match.
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 7:29 AM