Due to the lack of learnable spray patterns in valorant, I think adding a character built around basically “run shooting” is a really bad idea.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 9, 2022 10:07 PM

My predictions for the new character are pretty simple

  1. She’ll probably be insanely fun to play

  2. She’ll be B+ to A- tier at best

  3. She’s gonna be insanely annoying to play against

And this post is mainly centred around #3. Because valorant gunplay, opposed to it’s obvious similarities to CS:GO, is largely based around tap shooting instead of sprays. For better or worse, that’s up to the individual to decide. But this character seriously throws a wrench into things. She can swing at Mach speeds around a corner with her head at a different height, which by concept isn’t an insanely huge deal, just adjust your aim. But in this game, spray control is literally random. After 7 bullets of a spray you are actually entering the realm of RNG. It’s consistent, but still random. So unless you hit a one tap, you have to track your opponent. With RNG in your recoil. And to top it off, this character is going to synergise really well with already cheesy weapons like the frenzy, judge and spectre, throwing heaps more RNG into the game. And while I’d say “Just hit your shots”, I don’t think that’s a justifiable statement under current circumstances.

And this doesn’t even account for her ult, which is literally just long range full-running accuracy. Good luck hitting that consistently if your critical hit accuracy is lower than like 40%.

TL;DR: I think having to hit a character designed to be highly mobile is a bad idea when rifle sprays have elements of RNG in them, as it creates a situation where it takes much more skill to counter her than it does to use her. We’ll obviously see how it pans out but this is a potential frustration mechanic.

Also, this is meant to get a discussion going, not to cry about a new character being “op”. She hasn’t even been out on the test server for 12 hours. Just curious what the community thinks about this.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rz5l2i/due_to_the_lack_of_learnable_spray_patterns_in/
  • https://reddit.com/rz5l2i

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