Posted by Steve
Thursday, March 4, 2021 1:00 PM
I genuinely have no idea why people don’t understand this and it drives me crazy. Walk into b main, killjoy has a turret, sage walls it off and throws a slow orb, omen does paranoia, raze throws her nade, sova shoots his darts, and my team just sits there. After 30 seconds someone flanks and now we’re getting shot from both sides. We all die, other team has a flawless round.
This happens almost every single game where we have at least 2 rounds like this. Nobody ever stops to think “hmm their utility has us just sitting here, maybe we should go where they aren’t, or go mid, or back up and play for picks.” This drives me up a wall so high I could fall for 30 minutes before hitting the ground.
Please everyone, don’t just sit there waiting to die.
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