"ELO Hell" exists. But not as much as you think it does.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 6:02 AM

Just for a bit of context, I was a gold 3 about to break into plat.

I started to get a bit cocky with my play style, and subsequently had a hard derank session. Actually hit bronze 3 at one point.

It wasn't until I scaled it back and started playing a bit smarter that I started to see my wins start stacking up, and I was able to rank back up to where I was previously.

So yeah, I pretty much credit by rise and my fall and rise again to my own skill.

However, there were a few losses on the way back up that were damn near entirely my teams fault.

I'll be dropping insane numbers while playing a support character. The duelists will be baiting teammates, and missing kills. They'll be going like tripple negative.

I'll be attempting to pull off a sneaky flank, and they come running and jumping on metal surfaces right behind me, giving away my position.

I'll watch them sit there with full utility and not use it in useful 1v1 situations.

So yes, ELO Hell does exist. There will be players that absolutely suck and drag you down.

To put it all in perspective, I would say its probably 75% your own skill, 25% your team's fault.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/khgq5n/elo_hell_exists_but_not_as_much_as_you_think_it/
  • https://reddit.com/khgq5n

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