Posted by Steve
Friday, January 21, 2022 6:02 AM
I understand Riot's intention of deranking people. I understand the justification that the playerbase as a whole gets more skilled over time. But this doesn't mean everyone should be deranked eight entire ranks.
I ended last season at Silver 3. Not my best, not my worst. I was deranked to Silver 1 starting this season after winning 4/5 of my matches, MVP in 3. Ok, that's acceptable.
One of my friends was Gold 2. Deranked to Silver 2.
Two of my friends were Plat 2 and 3. Both deranked to Silver 3.
Just saw some guy I know playing comp as a Silver 3. He ended last season barely touching Diamond.
As you can imagine, this massive skill differential is pretty rough for actual Silvers. I know I belong in Silver, and I won't deny that, but it's pretty shitty that half of my games are fair games against other Silver/Bronze players, and the other half of my games I'll get killed by a guy with a Plat triangle.
For these games, I either get completely blown out with the rest of my team - causing me to not want to play - or I hold my own, maybe even top frag, and still lose 5-13 in an ultimately unbalanced game - causing me, yet again, to not want to play. It's a lose-lose situation.
I should not need to beat Plats to get to Silver 2.
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This is way too common. Will riot ever take the game serious and get rid of kids like this?

Posted by Otto
Sunday, September 19, 2021 6:31 PM
Valorant is boring.
Posted by Otto
Monday, May 15, 2023 11:33 PM