Posted by Steve
Sunday, April 2, 2023 11:19 PM
I usually play controllers and initiators, but I want to play duelists sometimes (I want to learn Jett). However, I'm really bad at entrying as a duelist, especially when I don't have a flash or any knowledge or assisting utility (I'm in low elo, so the initiators almost never end up helping the duelist entry like they should). I'm mostly afraid of being flamed for being a bot frag duelist, since a duelist that can't entry or frag is essentially useless to the team. Is it ok if I lock duelists when I'm not very good at them? It gets boring playing Viper and KAY/O every single comp game, and I want to change things up sometimes. However, I always feel bad when I bottom frag as a duelist when I could have picked controller to be more useful to the team. I'm good at assisting the duelist, but I'm not good at being a duelist. I just want to change things up and have some fun sometimes.
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