Feeling like a gross smurf because unrated matchmaking sucks

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 27, 2023 12:17 PM

I absolutely hate smurfing, but recently a friend of mine took an interest in valorant and wanted me joining them for their first few unrated games. As an ascendant 1 player, it felt like every single enemy in almost all the games was new or at most silver, with occasionally one higher skill enemy who could somewhat compete with me.

It feels extremely unfair that the matchmaking can't find a way to balance these games out; out of 10 matches we only lost 1 and I was dropping 30+ kills every game. I feel like I'm ruining the experience for the other people in the lobby and not having a great time just stomping on everyone, but all I wanted to do was play with my friend and make the new experience less daunting for them.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1231va6/feeling_like_a_gross_smurf_because_unrated/
  • https://reddit.com/1231va6

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