First rule of internet: be nice :)

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 7:28 PM

Ok, I'll try to sort this out in text. The point and the moral of this is: Do not be a a**hole, please. I solo queued and ended up in a match where two people queued together. It started right away when another of our teammates asked what agent he would choose. They immediately started saying things like "oh no not a squeaker" and started imitating his voice.

From that second, they chose to do everything to ruin the match for him. It was a rather strange scenario, they were good players and wanted to win, but they were lousy teammates and fellow human beings.

They blamed everything that happened in the match on him. They gave him false information and things like: "lets peek together" and then they stayed back and let him peek alone and die. As soon as he was dead they went to try to win the round. They gave me and the last teammates correct and good calls when we was alive. But when he was alive, they just pointed out everything he did wrong and gave fake calls.

I was amazed by the kid. He did not get angry at them, nothing that he let them see anyway. He was saying "my bad" when he died after they called out: "He is coming behind you!" and he turns around and get shot in the back.

He was trying to be nice and give them info and bought them weapons and they just flame him.

So after a couple of rounds, I asked him to mute them and that I would pass on all relevant information to him. Everyone can have a bad match, some worse than others. But under the circumstances he did well and you could tell he was a good player.

So we stay togheter and played like 3 games with each other. Then we were matched against them. They immediately started writing in the chat. One could easily believe that they were 12yo and he 24 and not the other way around.

We explained the situation. I can not really explain what happened, but it was like our whole team came together to really win, win big! Ours execute was on point, trades where coming in, the defend was godlike and the clutches, oh man the clutches! It was like taken from a movie, when our young kid 1v2 the two idiots in a crucial round. And then in the last round we just ran them over with superior weapons.

It has been several years since I had to quit hockey, but the feeling I got after this win. It's been a long time since I felt that way. It was amazing and I can not even try to imagine how it must have felt for our young hero!

So please, do not be like that. A match lasts for about 45 minutes of your life. Being a good person to strangers in that short period of time is not difficult.



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