Frags are not important to rank up

Posted by Steve

Monday, July 11, 2022 2:12 PM

For context i am not claiming i am a "god" at this game or i am better i am still a mid elo player (diamond 1) but i beleive i have learned a lot from going from silver 1 to plat 3 last act and now diamond 1.

In almost all of my games i did not top frag, i didnt even make it on the top half of the leaderboard, and yet my win % was somewhat high and i was climbing. How? play with your team. to all the low to mid elo players stck in "elo-hell" yeah those elo's suck but stop saying in the reddit or in game "Oh my god i top frag every sing game but my team is trash and there are smurfs and i cant climb" that is only half true. yeah there are smurfs yeah you can have a killer game and your team lets you down, but that doesnt mean YOU did your part. stop carring about your kills and think about how you can help your team win. if your dropping 30 kills in silver and loosing most of your games, its not because you deserve plat or diamond its because you are baiting, exit fragging and all around not helping your team. At the same time if your bottom fraggins and still loosing think about that you might not have the best aim and so you could play to be the trade for your better fraggers (thats what i do). play for info play your life and use your body to help your team. Stop complaining. and watch your vods and see how you can imporove not as a player or aim, but as a team what you missed and where you could have helped the team.



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